The Beatles – The Collection (MFSL Box)Mobile Fidelity Sound LabEmpress Valley Supreme Disc : EVSD 1333-1342商品の状態:盤面良好。ボックスに若干の経年劣化有り。CD 01Please Please MeWith The BeatlesCD 02A Hard Day's NightBeatles For SaleCD 03Help!Rubber SoulCD 04RevolverRevolver (MFSL Cassette)CD 05Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (UHQR)CD 06The BeatlesCD 07The BeatlesCD 08Magical Mystery TourYellow SubmarineCD 09Abbey RoadCD 10Let It BeAnalog to Digital transfer of the 1982 MFSL Collection released on LPs.