美味しんぼ 英語バージョン4巻セットです。外国の友人に送るつもりで購入しましたが、新品のまま保管しておりました。もし必要な方がいらっしゃいましたらよろしくお願い申し上げます。that the English version of Oishinbo is the superlative manga on food.The best selling and most beloved food manga of all time!In this volume, the focus shifts from food to drink: specifically, to sake. For centuries different types of sake have played the same roles in Japan as wine and beer have in the West, from inexpensive everyday drink to refined single-batch rarities. Above all, sake has been enjoyed as an accompaniment to a meal, and after a revelatory moment one night, Yamaoka decides that drink pairings must be an integral part of the Ultimate Menu.